Hi everyone
Right our first ever crowd funder has just gone live! We’ve had amazing help from some amazing volunteers and we’ve made the t-shirts! They’ve made a video! We are looking to find the last bit of money we need to build our new shelter and outdoor kitchen so please help if you can! Our current shelter is too crowded and we just don’t fit in and our current kitchen is in a corner in a polytunnel and it’s a nightmare to keep clean and it gets far too hot in the sun and too loud in the rain. On Monday one of our playworkers Sarah nearly passed out cooking apples with the kids at the after school club!
Check out our crowdfunder website HERE. And I’ll put it on our Facebook and Instagram so if you do those please share it with anyone you think might be interested!
There are loads of lovely rewards for folks who pledge some money including tote bags, postcards, bunches of flowers, trips to an exclusive private cinema AND best of all these fab t-shirts! Available in all kids, babies and adult sizes. We’ve been talking about building a proper kitchen for 5 or so years but we’ve been talking about getting t-shirts made for at least a decade and we couldn’t be more chuffed with how they turned out.

Also the Harvest Fair! IT’S ON SATURDAY! If you can’t make it please tell your pals or if you could ping the poster around your local street or parent Whatsapp group that’d be amazing!

If you can make it there’ll be some or Bristol’s finest samosa to munch on, drumming, morris dancing from the fab Kittiwake Morris at 2pm, and loads of free kids’ activities including vegetable sculptures, and pond dipping and a quieter indoor space with a play worker leading sensory play. We’ll have the big apple press out for making juice as well as the amazing little apple machine for everyone to get involved in. Please being any along spare apples to add to the pile especially if you know a heavily laden tree where ones they might be apples going to waste – cookers or eaters, bruised or blemish free are all welcome. It’ll be a lovely day and we’d love to see you!

We’ll also have a stand at the fair where you can come for a chat about the kitchen project and find out more about the crowdfunder so please come and say hello!
And I’ll leave you with two tales of unexpected triumph. Firstly here’s a pic of the only runner beans we manged to grow this year – which is of course rubbish – but hats off to this plucky little bean plant that despite being eaten repeatedly down to a nub kept on growing! What a champ! And it means we have achieved beans when we thought all was lost. And here’s picture of a pumpkin that’s happily romping away across the mouse safe propagation shelves in the polytunnel – we didn’t plant it there on purpose but a seed must have dropped been back in spring and now it’s the best looking squash we’ve got!

See you at the fair – and please check out the crowdfunder – donate if you can or spread the word if you know anyone that might 🙂 The website again is HERE
Lucy Mitchell
Community Project Worker
07506 905 394