User group meeting 19th June
Lucy, Bob, Omid, Julia, Nikki, Dougie, Joe, Diane, Jane, Iulia, Sophie, Pete
Agenda needs to be in bigger print
- Actions from last user group meeting – new break times (11am, 1pm, 3pm) working well. New jobs list format working well. New tasks – jobs list needs to be hung up (auctioned)
- Pizza oven work dates were wrong and should be 6th and 20th
- Decision making – it was discussed whether we would agree by consensus or by a vote. People generally felt consensus decision making would take too long and we should decide things by vote. If a particularly thorny issue should arise we’ll leave it until the next meeting, agree on a fixed time to discuss it and then vote. Quorum for meeting to be fixed after we can get a good idea of how many people come to meetings
- T-shirts. We want them! But not yet decided on how many people get them. It will be based on how many times people have come to volunteer. This will be decided depended on cost of printed and t-shirts as well as a design fixed when we know costs. Joe to ask local printers. Julia to research fair-trade t-shirts online.
- Matters arising we need sunhats – Julia to investigate. Also a water jug with a lid (actioned). Buy more knives and scissors
- Pete gave a report on the Tower of Power which is working well though we might not have enough water in times of big demand
- Herb garden is going ahead
- We closed by talking about what we were most looking forward to in the coming months – answers included – tomatoes, melons, pizza oven building, carrots.