Hi everyone!
The sun’s shining, everything is sprouting and growing and the spring fair is just around the corner 11th May 1-4. It’s all coming together! The morris dancers have confirmed, we’ll have beautiful harp music, Irish music, a choir and hopefully a brass band. We’re offering pond dipping and badge making for the littles and Tim Foster will be showing people how to sharpen their tools properly. Four fabulous volunteers are busy badgering the merchants of Gloucester Rd for prizes for the raffle and we’re having a ‘Best vegetable JOKE’ competition!
Sooooo please let me know if you’re available to help out on the day or in the run up to the fair
I’m looking for
Someone to help with publicity – i.e. putting all our details out on various websites and what not
People to help putting posters up Gloucester Rd
If you live on a road near the the allotment and can deliver flyers up your street
On the day
Cake bakers!
Plant donators!
People to look after the gate for a hour or so
People to man the cake and tea seal
People to man the plant stall
Anyone who can help running pond dipping with kids for an hour or so
Anyone who can help making badges with kids/anyone for an hour or so
Face painters
People to offer to come early and help out up the bunting and gazebos from 10:30 clock on the day
Anyone can stay stay at the end to help get tidied up (this only took about 30 mins last time)
ALSO I was thinking that we might serve soup! This is reliant on having enough volunteers to serve it as well as someone who likes cooking huge batches of soup!
If anyone is happy and flexible to just volunteer where necessary and to do any of these things for most of the day that would INCREDIBLE!
We are also looking for gazebos, chairs.
And for your efforts you are rewarded not just with the joy of being part of such a lovely event you’ll also get a free piece of cake (and maybe soup!) and a hot drink. This event is totally reliant on you folks stepping up to volunteer so if you haven’t managed to come down to the garden this is a great time to get involved
The garden is looking fabulous with all it’s new raised beds and the solar pump should be in place then so we can shake off that ‘building site’ look we’ve had for so long round the second poly tunnel. In the next few weeks we’ll be busy tidying up, making signs, and carrying on planting, planting, planting!
Looking forward to all the offers of help coming flooding in!