Hi everyone,
Firstly… The fair! What a great day! nearly 800 folks (yes 800!) through the gate and we raised a whopping great £2100! Whoooop! Thank you everyone who came and enjoyed the punk badger, origami, clay sculpting, willow weaving, facepainting, plant buying, rat splating, cake and pizza munching, not falling in the pond and more! The weather was perfect a glorious sunny day- And I especially liked the downpour of rain that came at 4:10 – just when I was wondering if anyone was planning on going home 🙂

Thank you every who came to make the day so lovely and a thousand thank you’s to everyone who helped on the day. You are amazing!
And we’ll be open again and selling more lovely plants (lots of our flowers and squashed ans pumpkins weren’t ready back for the fair due to the rather bracing spring we had). We’ll be opening again as part of the city wide Get Growing Trail! Saturday 4th June 11-3. We’ve got loads of different squash, tomatoes, aubergines, salads, and flowers and all sorts. Come and say hello and eat some cake. They’ll be pond dipping and the play house for the kids 🙂

Our Tuesday after school Golden Club is now up and running and loads of fun. We’re full at the mo but we plan to run ALL year whatever the weather so please get in touch to get your small folk on the list for September and beyond. We pick up from Bishop Rd Primary School and provide snack, slug hunts, epic den building, fires and fun times!

And no need to wait until next term… this half term Captain Claire and I will be back for a Golden Adventure day! Tuesday 31st May 10-4 £26 including pizza from the frog. Our theme is… birds – so we’ll be bug hunting for food, nest building and having a go at flying! Booking essential.
It been a busy few weeks and one of my favourite times of year – standing in the garden we can practically feel the plants growing around us as the soil warms up and the garden gets greener It’s a great time to come and get involved! And we’d love some more help with our lovely Golden Buds Toddler group if you’ve got a spare couple of hours on a Tuesday morning!
And we’re currently harvesting broad beans, rhubarb, spinach, chard, lettuce and even a bit of aspargus! Come and have a munch!
See you in the garden,
P.S You’re receiving this email becasue you have at some point shown an interest in the Golden Hill Community Garden. Just let me know if you’d like to be taken off the list
Lucy Mitchell
Community Project Worker
07506 905 394