Hi folks
Our Spring Fair it just around the corner! Saturday 13th May 1-4. Please come and please bring all your pals
We’ve got a great day planned!
We’ll be selling loads of lovely veg and flower seedlings as well as some slug proof perennials to bring colour to your garden or pots year after year!
There’ll be beautiful singing from the wonderful Break Out Voices Choir and the Heartwood Chorus AND live music from the ever fabulous What the Folk!?!
They’ll be storytelling and seedplanting, facepainting, may crown making pond dipping and … Bat the Rat!!
They’re to cake and pizza fresh from the clay oven to eat.
It’s going to great! Spread the word! We’re on facebook at The Golden Hill Community Garden if you could share our post that’s be great…
BUT WE NEED HELP!!! Can you bake us a cake or spare us an hour or so on the day??? Get in touch if you can help us make this our best event yet and help us raise some much needed funds for the garden!??
See you in the garden!
07506 905 394