Volunteers meeting notes Wed 22nd Jan 2014 13:30 – 14:20
14 participants: Bob, Cathy, Diana, Douglas, Edward, Ian, Jane, Julia, Katja (who wrote the minutes), Lindsey, Lucy, Pete, Sophie and Sue
Topic 1: MP visit
The visit of our local MP Steven Williams has been rearranged to Thu 30th at 12:45. Unfortunately, it didn’t take place as we have been told and people were waiting on Mon in the cold. Can people make it to the new arrangement? Lucy can’t be there because of a Children first aid course that can’t be rearranged. Pete, Julia, Ian and possibly more can make it.
Topic 2: The Golden Buds green toddler group
The Golden Buds green toddler group will start on 18th of Feb and will run Tue from 10-11:30am. Lindsey and Nicky will help running it. Families can book one free taster session 18th Feb, 25th Feb or 4th March. After that it has to be cost neutral and will cost £4.50.
Topic 3: Second Birthday of The Golden Hill Community Garden
We will be there from 10am-2pm, will lit a bonfire, cooking soup, have a cake (made by Lucy) and lots of laughter and fun with everyone who can come along.
Topic 4: Friends of the garden scheme
Has been launched and the first friends have been welcomed. Please everyone who can think of good places to distribute the leaflets take some and bring them there. Please also spread the word of mouth to anyone interested.
Topic 5: Future of The Golden Hill Community Garden
Right now we are a model of an accessible garden for others. Julia made the point that after our funding runs out at the end of March there are dramatic adjustments to make. Lucy explained that after March 31st The Golden Hill Community Garden becomes independent from The Horfield and District Allotments Association. The adjustments to make are:
1) having a managing committee with a treasurer who manages the independent bank account,
2) making ~7000 GBP/ year to run the garden. We have made ~3000 GBP over the last two years which gives us a good starting point. Pete has a good overview about the activities that raised money.
3) Run the garden mostly by volunteers with Lucy hired for one day per week. She will be in the Garden on Wednesdays but mostly doing administrative work including e-mails and the website. Her job needs a proper job description and an evaluation after one year. She has a plan for what work needs to be done in the garden over a whole year. She will also point out more things she needs to delegate over time from what she is doing right now, e.g. distributing leaflets for events around Gloucester road, planning and advertising events … The Spring fair will be the last event that Lucy is officially organising.
3a) For running the Wed volunteer day, coordinators are needed. Coordinators create the job list for the day, i.e. the one on the white board; explain jobs, give advice … We want 2 coordinators for the day and the coordinators make the commitment to come on that day. Over the next months Lucy will be joined on her morning walk around the garden by people who want to learn how the job list is created. People that expressed interest to become a coordinator: Julia, Cathy, Diana, Jane, Nicky, Sue, Katja
3b) It exists the idea to create a shop which is open ~1.5h a week aimed at selling goods for the plot holders. Pete explained the idea and previous experiences.
4) The eco-build building will be 7m x 4m and at the empty space between the shed and our meeting place. The money has to be spend by End of May, which doesn’t mean that all work has to be completed by then. Most work will be done by contractors.
Topic 6: T-Shirts for regular volunteers
It’s rewarding and valuable to have them. However, we will wait until March to discuss the details.