Wreath Making Saturday 27th November!

It’s a fun and informal session and you’ll be shown how to weave a hoop out of willow and then decorate it with glorious winter foliage. We have secateurs and gloves but please bring your own if you have some. Also we’ll have heaps and heaps of lovely winter foliage but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you have a garden with nice berry bits, or evergreen branches, or pretty twiddly ivy, or see any on your way that is available then please bring a bag along so it’ll just make the day more lovely for everyone
Dogs on leads are welcome and so are children, and if under 16s want to make their own wreath then it’s just £7.50 but they need to be booked on. It should take about an hour and every wreath is unique and gorgeous. The session is a week earlier than normal (because of my bro getting married) but by the end of the workshop you’ll be confident in adding extra bits of greenery if you needed them to keep your wreath looking lovely for weeks.
Last year we made up wreath kits for folks who couldn’t make it to a session – i.e all the willow, foliage, ribbon and bits and bobs you need to make a wreath at home. I’ll do this again for £10 if we’ve got enough willow and there’s enough interest so let me know if that would work better for you.

Lucy Mitchell
Community Project Worker
07506 905 394
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