Wreath making! We run this every year and we love it. We love running it and folks love coming to it. So snap up your place before we sell out! It’s a fun and informal session and you’ll be shown how to weave a hoop out of willow and then decorate it with glorious winter foliage. The booking site is HERE. It’s takes about an hour though it’s fine to take your time as long as you are done by 4. We are taking bookings in half hour waves, so we’ll be starting the process again every half hour.
These days are always lovely and full of good cheer and lovely people all enjoying the process of making something beautiful and chatting and chirping along the way. We’ve put our price up this year as we need to raise funds for the garden but I think we still are by far the cheapest wreath workshop in town! If you are low waged/in receipt of benefits then we have a lower cost option lower cost option. I think we’ll also be doing wreath kits again for folks who can’t make it to us but please get in touch closer to the time to check.

Also we’ll have heaps of lovely winter foliage but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you have a garden with nice berry bits, or evergreen branches, or pretty twiddly ivy, or see any on your way that is available then please bring a bag along so it’ll just make the day more lovely for everyone OR if you can dehydrate an orange or two OR if you have a big tree with berries (holly or any red berries!) on in your garden or allotment that you could give a haircut too that’d be fantastic. Dogs on leads are welcome and so are children, and if younglings want to make their own wreath then it’s £12.50. Under 13 year olds need to come along with an adult.

And let you leave you with some cheerful boasting about about our excellent loofah harvest! It’s the second time we’ve managed to grow them to maturity in our polytunnels and they definitely benefitted from the heatwave over summer. When they grow they look like cucumbers and they are edible when young but leave them to get a mature as possible before the autumn damp rots them. As they mature the insides get tough and fibrous. The Wednesday volunteers peeled the skin, washed out the old flesh, saved the viable seeds and what were left with are these marvels! We’ll be using them to do the washing up until next years’ harvest 🙂 |
See you in the garden!
Lucy Mitchell (she/her)
Community Project Worker
07506 905 394